

The Clay Local School District is accepting applications for the following position(s) that MAY exist for the 2024-2025 school year:

 Supplemental Positions



Qualified individuals who wish to apply should submit a letter of interest and resume to Mr. Todd Warnock, Superintendent - Clay Local School District, in writing or via email at warnockt@claylocalschools.org. Deadline.  Employment will begin with the school year indicated as part of the position. The Clay Local School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


Apply to be a Substitute Teacher or Aide

Apply Online for Substitute Custodian

Apply Online for Bus Driver/Substitute Bus Driver

Clay Local Schools
44 Clay High Street
Portsmouth, OH 45662
Main Line: 740-354-6644
District Offices: 740-354-6645

Updated:  7/9/2024

The Clay Local School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer.